
teya pronounce as tia

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Short entry

Assalamualaikum. Hi there! How you been doing? As if lots of people read my blog la kan.. LOL Lots of lots of things been in my head and everything seems disaster to me. I can't believe i'm actually reading! 

From bottom, i have to compose assignment about cases of Oh Hiam v. Kam Thong and Virtue of Contract. Then as the owner of the hotel, i have to do a project on a Hotel Reservation System. Hell that is complicated as women! ahaks Plus test on this Friday. Two essays in CB in Islamic Perspective in 8pages! and Al-Quran and Sunnah of two verses each of it. That makes me have to borrow 5 books from Library tercinta, hee. Managerial Finance is about to calculate cost of capital, capital structure, investment, financing, dividend policies and more more about to calculate. Then I.Mktg assign us to do project about Natural Rubber in Malaysia. I have to find out about rubber pulak -_- HRM assigned to interview Radio Televisyen Malaysia. Without the cooperation given, it makes me serabut! urghhh

Can you imagine how all these in my mind? All of these are between this week, next week and next next week. I can't concentrate i can't focus. I always doing things that distract me from being a good student lol! I think yoga might help me.  Its how you should breath correctly. Makes you calm. Whatever it is, always remember the Greatest, the Creator. 

Ouh btw! i found my old spectacle! weee :D

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Nasi Padang | Seri Garuda Emas

             hi! have you guys eaten? Malaysia kan kaya dengan bangsa, budaya dan makanan. Tapi tak semua makanan kita pernah rasa. Especially me. I never tried any other menu then usual menu such as fried rice,noodles,mee hoon and etc etc. Last week, kawan aku teringin nak makan nasi padang dengan menggunakan Garmin barunya, haha. Jadi kami hanya mencari restoran sekitar Gombak. dengan pertolongan Google dan GPS, we're decided to eat at Restoran Seri Garuda Emas.

Nasi Padang hanya lah nasi campur biasa yang asalnya dari Indonesia kalau tak silap. Antara lauk yang biasa di sediakan ialah..gulai tunjang, daging salai masak lemak dan macam2 lagi..

Gulai Tunjang

Ni Gulai Tunjang nama dia. Tunjang tu ape? Kawan cakap ianya urat lembu -.- 
mak pulak cerita tunjang tu isi dalam tulang. haha! Tapi aku tak amik lauk ni. merasa dari kawan punya pinggan je haha. Sedap jugak :)

antara lauk yang lain.. terliur tak? hehe

sotong sumbat telur 

Overall it taste like other nasi campur, kelainan nya dari lauk yang disediakan :) You guys should try it! Pastikan lapar sangat sebelum cuba :p

Sumber gambar Google.
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